Oracle RAC 19c
Course Duration: 40 Hours
Required Prerequisites
- Basic Knowledge of Unix.
- Oracle Database: Introduction to SQL
- Good knowledge of Oracle DBA
Target Audience
- Oracle DBA who want to learn Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) which provide solution for High Availability and better Performance.
Course Highlights
- About Oracle Grid Infrastructure
- Setup two node RAC enviroment with ASM on virtual box
- SRVCTL and CRSCTL tools
- ASM (Automatic Storage Management)
- Global resources in RAC
- Managing Backup and Recovery for RAC
- Client connectivity in Oracle RAC Database
- OCR , OLR and voting Disk
- Adding a node to cluster
- Deleting a node from cluster
- Patching Activity in Oracle RAC
- Single Instance to RAC migration
- Oracle RAC upgrade from 12c to 19c
Course Content
Section 1: Introduction
What Is a Cluster
What is Oracle Real Application Clusters
Benefits of Using RAC
Section 2: Grid Infrastructure: Overview
Oracle Grid Infrastructure
Oracle Clusterware Architecture
Oracle RAC Software Storage
Oracle Clusterware Networking
Types of IPs – Public IP,Private IP, Vritual IP,SCAN IP
Section 3: Oracle RAC Installation
Oracle RAC 19c Installation Process
Pre-installation Tasks
Network Requirements
Install VirtualBox and OEL 7.2 server (Node 1)
Install OS pre-requisites
Add ASM disks to Node 1
Add two network Adaptors
Complete the setup on Node 1
Clone Node 1 to Node 2
Modify the configuration on Node 2
Copy GRID software to Node 1 and install on both nodes
Check cluster and ASM disks on both the servers
Install database software on both the servers from Node 1
Create diskgroups in ASM for database
Create database using DBCA
Check all cluster resources and database status
Section 4: SRVCTL and CRSCTL tools
Check Cluster health
SRVCTL commands
Start/Stop DB using SRVCTL
CRSCTL commands
Start/Stop cluster using CRSCTL
Global Dynamic Performance View
Section 5: Background processes
Background process and Components of cluster (Upper/Lower stack)
Database Background Processes
Oracle Clusterware Initialization
Startup process of cluster
Section 6:RAC Database Administration
Redolog files in RAC
Automatic Undo Management in RAC
Start Stop RAC instances with SQLplus
Initialization parameters in RAC
SPFILE Parameter Values and RAC
Identical parameters between nodes
Distinct parameters between nodes
Terminate sessions in RAC
Section 7:ASM (Automatic Storage Management)
Basis of ASM
Administering ASM Disk Groups
Rebalancing in ASM
ASM Instance Background Process
ASM Mirroring
How to start and stop ASM Instance
How to Add disk to DIskgroup
How to change power limit
How to Drop specific Disk from Diskgroup
Create a new ASM diskgroup with normal redundancy
SPFILE Parameter Values and RAC
ASM initialization parameters
Section 8: Global Resource Management Concepts
Necessity of Global Resources
Global Resources Coordination
Global Cache coordination
Write to Disk Coordination
Dynamic Reconfiguration and re-mastering
Efficient Internode Row-Level Locking
Global Resource Directory (GRD)
Global Enqueues
Split Brain and I/O Fencing
Functions of I/O fencing
Why Node Eviction?
Who evicts/reboot the node?
When Node Eviction?
Section 9:Managing Backup and Recovery for RAC
RAC and Instance Recovery
Instance Recovery and Database Availability
Instance Recovery and RAC
Protecting Against Media Failure
Media Recovery in Oracle RAC
Archived Log File Configurations
Archived Redo File Conventions in RAC
Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN)
Shared Storage Backup Scheme: One Local Drive
Shared Storage Backup Scheme: Multiple Drives
Configure FRA to ASM disk group
Enable and disable archivelog mode in RAC
Configure proper snapshot control file location
Configure AUTOBACKUP SPFILE and controlfile backups
Full database backup (No parallel slaves)
Channel Connections to Cluster Instances
Full database backup with parallel slaves on same node
Full database backup with parallel slaves on other nodes(In run block)
Restore and recover a lost datafile
Restore and recover database (already SPFILE available )
Restore and recover database – With LOST SPFILE
Section 10:High Availability of Connections
Client Connectivity to RAC Database
Configure TNSNAMES.ORA File
Connect with Public IP, Virtual IP
Connect with SCAN IP
Oracle RAC Services for Client Connectivity
Admin Managed And Policy Managed Database in RAC
Convert RAC Database from Admin to Policy Manage
Create Service in RAC Database using SRVCTL
Start/Stop Service in RAC Database using SRVCTL
Relocate Service in RAC Database using SRVCTL
Transparent Application Failover ( TAF )
TAF Basic and Preconnect
Create Service with TAF
Fast Application Notification ( FAN ): Overview
Section 11:RAC Administration Activities 1
Monitoring blocks, LOCKS, DEADLOCKS
View number of nodes in cluster
Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) File in RAC
OCR file Backup and Recovery
Oracle Local Registry (OLR) file in RAC
OLR file Backup and Recovery
Determining the Current Network Settings
Voting Disk
Check the location of voting disk
Backup and Restore Voting Disk
Section 12:RAC Administration Activities 2
Patching Activity in RAC
Grid HOME and Databse HOME Patching
Adding a Node to RAC – 2 Node to 3 Node
Deleting a Node from RAC – 3 Node to 2 Node
Section 13: RAC database Monitoring and Tuning
RAC-Specific Tuning
Analyzing Cache Fusion Impact in RAC
Wait Events in RAC
Wait Event Views
AWR Snapshots in RAC
Generate AWR Report in RAC
Analysis of AWR Report
Analysis of ADDM Report
Generate ASH Report
Section 14:Single Instance to RAC migration
Methods of migrating single instance database to RAC.
Migrate a single Instance to 2 node RAC setup.
Configuration Changes During Oracle RAC Conversion Using rconfig
Prerequisites for Converting to Oracle RAC Databases
Converting non-RAC database files to ASM
Converting Databases to Oracle RAC Using rconfig
Section 15:Upgrade Oracle RAC From 12c to 19c
Perform pre-requisites steps for 19c
Upgrade with Dry-run
Actual upgrade